Saturday 15 February 2014

Chocolate Heart

My fiend's birthday were upon us  - when I asked what she would like -she said I love chocolate - This is chocolate loving her back!

Line the cake tin placing baking paper over the tin bottom.

Prepare the sponge you want - my was chocolate - 200 g of butter, 200 g  of self-rising flour,  150 g of sugar, 3 medium egg, 50 ml of water and coco powder. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees C or gas mark 5. 

Roll fondant and cover the cake tray.

Prepare some chocolate - melt and shape to hearts.

Allow for a cake to cool. I left my as it was but as it kind of lost it's shape I would define the heart bit more by cutting the V on the top of the heart  - just for future reference.

Fill the cake with white chocolate icing and jam. 

I used chocolate spread to cover cake with . Then used split piping bag and chose to pipe with hazelnut and white chocolate spread (which you can buy from breakfast isle) on the cake. I piped circles from inside out which made this sweet design.

I put chocolate heart on every one circle - but you can use as many or as little as you wish.

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